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Saturday, July 01, 2006
Video Ads for profit

Recently I came across one of the post at Google Adsense blog where they talk about some positive feedback from Terri Wild who participated in the beta test of google video ads. According to them "Not only did Wild see a revenue gain from the click-to-play video campaign itself, but switching to the larger Medium Rectangle format resulted in an additional jump in clickthrough rate and a 42% increase in eCPM."

Though not many publishers have seen video ads but still I am interested to see some on this blog. I wonder what kind of "contextual videos" would be suitable for this blog. I believe more media oriented your blog is more likely you would get those ads. Sites on cars, workouts and music seems to score more in adsense video ads.

If you are also interested in having some video ads then make sure you are showing one of these three video format ads:

  • 336 x 280 (Large rectangle)
  • 300 x 250 (Medium rectangle)
  • 250 x 250 (Square)

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posted by RM at 9:31 PM | Permalink |
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