If you want to see maps, movie updates, news or even relevant ads of Europe on your PC then all you have to do is switch-on your TV.
That's right, google's new research paper which also won 'Best Paper' award at Euro ITV 2006 which took place couple of weeks back, focuses on using broadcast viewing to automatically present relevant information on a web browser. In other words its going to collect sound from TV and parse it to get some keywords and going to present the surfer with real-time forums, ad-hoc chat rooms, actor profile and even maps of locales within the movie.
This is real exciting and I can't wait to see google implement it. I wonder what's going to happen when you are surfing for latest gadget and tech news and your wife is watching "Desperate Housewives" ;-)
July: $31
June: $35
My goal for this blog is to reach that 1k per month target in 12 month or delete this blog if it fails. I would maintain a weekly updates in this section.