"This course is not for even moderately competent AdSense users and website publishers. If you are an absolute beginner, with no website, no content, and no way to generate revenue, then you will probably get a lot from this information.
If you've read a few free Internet marketing sites, looked at successful websites, and are confident in testing on your own site, then I don't think you'll find much here to help you."
But of course, even a broken clock shows the right time twice a day and if its been recommended by A-list bloggers then I think a new adsense user can learn a thing or two from it. You might quote Brian and say that the product is backed with NO RISK, 100% Money Back Guarantee, so you have nothing to loose. But how true is that ? Even if you spend two hours watching those videos you have wasted twice what you could have earned in an hour doing regular work (note that you are not suppose to skip any videos). Then there is an issue of your blog's credibility. If such product doesn't delieve what they (and you) promised then how many readers you expect would go through all the trouble of ordering and getting refund for your next referred product.
Like Brian wrote recently - money is not in being on the A-list, money is in fan list. So if you don't want to loose your royal readers you should give enough importance to the things that affect your readers.
July: $31
June: $35
My goal for this blog is to reach that 1k per month target in 12 month or delete this blog if it fails. I would maintain a weekly updates in this section.